The Do's & Don'ts When It Comes To Negative Feedback

Season #1

Nobody likes to be told they are not doing the right thing. That someone who is paying for a service is not satisfied with what is being delivered. And this stops many agencies from asking their clients how they feel about them - they are fearful of hearing bad news.

But... using NPS or a similar product to check in with our clients helps remove the guesswork from understanding what they think of their experience with us. It's one of the best tools to use to minimise preventable losses from the rent roll.

In this week's episode, Terri shares some tips on how to handle negative feedback you may receive from your clients so that you can get ahead of the game.

Once again, a very big thank you to Inspection Manager for their support in bringing this podcast episode to PMs everywhere - they really are all about making the lives of property managers easier.